Write for us

Write for us
Welcome to Our Write for Us page! We are always searching for brilliant writers and authors who wish to publish their guest posts. So, if you are interested in sharing your post in WordPress, Web Design, development, graphic design, or SEO niche, we are all ears to have your post.

We are in need of publishing premium-quality content that adds value to the audience. We love delivering quality content to all our visitors. Thus, we never compromise on content quality.

In case you can create a well-curated and researched blog on our specific niche, you are clearly in the right spot. Before you start writing your fantastic guest blog, kindly go through all the submission guidelines prior to sending your blog for review. It will avoid last-minute hassle and improve the chances of your guest post acceptance.

Why should you write for Immense Art

Immense Art is a terrific web design site that has high-value bomb resources to help designers and developers all across the world. Our fast-growing blog has thousands of visitors per month that have gained an edge using our classic and epic resources.

You can have a look at all the given topics below so that you can pitch your content idea revolving around these topics. It is because our specific audience is interested in only these content topics.

Write for us - Web Design

Web Design Resources, Inspiration, Landing Page, Tutorials, Web Design Software/Tools Reviews, or any other Web design related topic.

Web Development

Web Development Software/Tools Reviews, Development Languages, Resources, HTML/CSS, or any other Web Development related topic.


WordPress Themes, Tutorials, Guides, Resources, Plugins, Tools or any other WordPress related topic.

Graphic Design

Website Mockups, logos, brochures, business cards, illustrations, flyer designs, graphic design templates, UI/UX design, graphic design tools and software, and anything related to graphic design.


SEO Tips & Tricks, How to Guide, SEO tools and tutorials, and other SEO-oriented content for web and mobile.


Presentation templates, slideshow, infographics, mockups, presentation design and tutorials.

Guidelines to follow for guest post submission

Read the following guidelines properly to get well-versed with our standards for no issues later. This will save both your and our time.
Choose Topics – Create a list of 3 to 5 topics from the above-mentioned niches and send them across the email for final acceptance. Thus, you can’t just write and publish on any niche or topic.
Word Limit – There is a word limit of at least 1200 words per guest post.
Formatting – Please ensure all the SEO formatting practices are followed. This means using H1, H2, and so on headings with proper use of bold, italics, image tags, and lists is done. This will help in ranking your post in no time and sending traffic to your site faster.
Readability We are not looking for people who use only fancy words and long paragraphs to impress the audience. Remember, our audience comprises humans who may find it difficult to read lengthy paragraphs. So, keep them short with a maximum of 5 lines per paragraph.
Plagiarism Free – Our strict plagiarism policy restricts you from submitting only unique content that has not been published before. Also, please pay attention to your grammatical and language errors before submission as well.
Images Size – It is highly recommended to use any graphic design tool to create custom featured image. Make sure that its custom dimensions are 980 x 580 px.
Author Bio – Don’t forget to add a personal bio with 3-4 sentences. We would also require your email with Gravatar so that your author photo gets generated automatically. Also, you can add other details regarding your website, and company along with its working link. Do not add any links to keywords.
Approval & Publication Time -Once we receive your email, we will inform you about the guest post review and approval details in just 24-48 hours. After approval, we ensure the post gets published within 72 hours, and we also share its live link across the mail.

What we do NOT publish?

Given below are some of the content types that we are totally against and will never accept. So, make sure you never send any of such content types.
Plagiarized Content
We are strictly against copied content and do not accept it. To ensure quality, we screen each guest post with the best plagiarism tool. Kindly don’t waste your and our precious time by sending such plagiarized content copied from other sites.
Irrelevant Content
We don’t accept any guest posts with CBD, gambling, casino, adult, or essay-type content. It doesn’t matter if they contain links or not.
Spun Content
We don’t accept any rewritten content from online spinning tools such as Article Rewriter or Spinner tools. It also includes all Private Label Rights content.
Misleading Content
Owing to our high content authenticity, we ensure no guest posts with fake information get accepted. Also, it is essential to provide credit to the website, person, or source from which data is taken.
Rejected Content
We don’t accept any request for publishing any blog post that we have already rejected before. It doesn’t matter if you have updated the old blog content or not.

What is guest posting?

Guest Posting refers to creating an excellent article and publishing it on some other website or blog. A myriad of websites, such as Forbes, Entrepreneur, etc., invite marketers, authors, writers, and other business owners for their content contributions on their sites.

For their specific guidelines, you just need to check their “Write for us” page/section. This will help you to understand how to write for us blogs that resonate with a newer audience. The best part is that your contribution allows you to attract new readers to your own blog/website.

A noteworthy point to consider here is that you will regularly publish blog posts on your site, and you will share valuable information on different services and products or services besides providing training or guidance. Thus, you have the power to transform your audience into prospects and customers strategically.

The benefits of guest post submissions

There are numerous benefits of guest post submissions. Given below are some of them shared in detail:

Build Awareness

This is the most vital benefit of guest posting and the one that can help you reap a plethora of financial gains. As per FirstSiteGuide, around 77% audience read online blogs on a daily basis. Thus, if you decide to guest post your curated blog, it has a very high chance of being read. In case your blog is well-liked, who knows, you can be someone who gains enormous site awareness overnight!

Build Relationships

Guest posting allows you a chance to focus on building valuable relationships with other established bloggers in your field. Not just this, it is rather a win-win association with your fellow bloggers who can even decide to share backlinks to your blog. This is a swift opportunity to get acquainted with the top industry bloggers and influencers who share a strong fan following in no time.

Boost Website Authority

Website Authority is a crucial determinant that highlights the site’s strength and predicts its rank growth on search engine result pages. One effective way to achieve this is through strategic guest posting in areas like graphic design, development, WordPress, or web design. The number of readers landing on your website increases tremendously, leading to a sharp rise in your website visibility.

Reach New Audience

With guest posting on a huge rise, you will find many people who create excellent web design and development, graphic design, and WordPress guest post. They have understood the power of guest posting and how it is helpful in opening avenues for new audiences on your blog. This also helps you reach audiences from other niches who may refer your site to fellow web developers and designers.

Boost Website Traffic

With more audience reading your Web design, development, WordPress, or graphic design guest post, you will quickly open your blog’s gate to new web traffic. Just make sure your guest post has a superb quality that mesmerizes the readers and makes them drool for more such content!

Ready to pitch?

We are accepting GP & LI requests through Collaborator.pro or send an email to [email protected]

Let’s connect – Linkedin

Quickly get acquainted with all the relevant guidelines shared above and get your creative juices flowing to create a WordPress, web design, graphic design, or web development guest post! We are waiting to hear from you soon.

Write for us FAQs

What are the benefits of writing for ImmenseArt?

Immense Art is a wonderful place with exceptional resources for helping developers and designers worldwide. With so many visitors every month, this blog has made its name and fame in the best way. Their priority to supreme content quality adds higher value to the readers.

What topics does ImmenseArt accept guest posts?

ImmenseArt accepts guest posts on topics such as web design, web development, WordPress, SEO, graphic design, and presentation. Anything related to these explicit topics can be sent for suggestions to the editors for approval beforehand.

Does ImmenseArt offer an author bio section for guest writers?

Yes, ImmenseArt offers a personal author bio section that guest writers share within 3-4 sentences. They can add information about their company, website, and even social media handles. Also, you need to use an email with Gravatar which helps in generating author photo automatically.

Can I suggest topic ideas before submitting a guest post?

Yes, sure. Editors at ImmenseArt want that you create a list of about 3 – 5 topics from any of the niches mentioned above. This also allows them to know beforehand if you are opting for in-niche topics. You can share them for final acceptance over the mail so that you can quickly start writing.

How can I submit my guest post to ImmenseArt?

Once you have written your guest post of 1200 words for ImmenseArt, you just need to submit it via [email protected]. When editors receive your mail, they start reviewing it and you will receive an intimation in about 24-48 hours. Also, if it gets approved, you will get a live blog link in 72 hours.