Digital Marketing

How to Increase Your Instagram Engagement in 2024

17 Sep 2024
Content Creator
Increase Instagram Engagement

What is Instagram Engagement?

They are way or method through which the users of the Instagram engage themselves with the content shared on the platform. This entails likes, comments, shares, saves, direct messages, and interactions with stories which may comprise of polls, questions among others. This is because engagement refers to how well people are interacting with the content that you put out there, in terms of likes, comments or shares. Percentage rates for engagements show that the fans of the given brands are actively following their favorite brands and therefore are more likely to patronize products under the brands they follow.

It is derived as a number of interactions divided by the total followers or number of people who were reached and can indicate the level of interest to your posts. For businesses and influencers, filter bubbles result in increased engagement which means higher visibility, better relations with the followers, and ultimately, convert.

How to Get More Engagement on Instagram in 2024

Thus, it can be stated that growing engagement on Instagram needs a certain level of planning. Below are ten best practices to increase your engagement rates by the year 2024 are outlined below.

Tactic #1: Engage Through Stories Stickers

Another set of reusable elements which are quite engaging is Instagram Stories stickers, including polls, questions, quizzes, and emoji sliders. These stickers make your stories more interactive and would also afford a visual means through which your fans can engage you.

How to Use Stories Stickers:

  • 1. Polls: When getting in touch with your audience, it is recommended that you provide them with questions that have two possible answers only. For example, applications such as “Coffee or tea, which one do you like?” This will help you engage with the public immediately and learn more about them.
  • 2. Questions: Encourage people to ask you anything or come up with their views that they’d like to share on the topic. It directly results in conversations and provides content ideas based on trends that your audience is interested in.
  • 3. Quizzes: Come up with exciting questions that refer to your brand and/or specialization in the form of multiple-choice questions. The audience can be instructed via quizzes while they have fun with it at the same time.
  • 4. Emoji Sliders: Give the followers the chance to convey what they think regarding a particular subject. This can be used to survey people’s reactions to new products or ideas for instance in a visually attractive manner.

Tactic #2: Create Relatable Memes

People like to use memes to communicate with their audience as memes are Entertaining, Relevant And Shareable. It is possible to generate memes that are related to the targeted audience so that they could start liking, sharing or commenting on them.

How to Create Relatable Memes:

  • 1. Know Your Audience: Know what type of ‘jokes’ the person finds funny as well as what type of hobbies they have. This means making sure that you are up to date on what ever is fashionable or funny that your viewers find entertaining.
  • 2. Stay Updated: The most effective way of how to make memes is dedicating them to popular topics or references to pop-culture. This makes it possible for them to be shared to other people compared to the general flow of information.
  • 3. Maintain Brand Voice: Make sure your memes are at the same level as your brand message or better still, enhance the message you are passing. This is useful to ensure that there is a lot of coordination and consistency especially when affirming your brand.

Tactic #3: Share Instagram Reels

Instagram Reels are just high impact short videos that is very effective in making a post become popular. For some posts, the algorithm tends to show them to more users, which makes Reels a useful way of gaining more followers.

How to Create Engaging Reels:

  • 1. Be Creative: Here are features to apply and add to Reels to enhance your videos; This means that, if the content uploaded is creative and eye appealing, then it would be more viewed and re-played.
  • 2. Keep it Short: Ideally, the latter should take between 15 and 30 seconds, enough to attract the viewers’ attention. Brief and catchy information is better to share on social networks because they all work as informational platforms in the context of postmodernism.
  • 3. Add Captions: Your message should also be clear even if there is no sound. This is especially important since more and more people tend to consume videos with the volume turned down, and captions can greatly enhance the delivery of your message.

Tactic #4: Create Shareable Graphics

Infographics, quotes and tips which are creatively presented in an image form are more likely to be shared. Stories and feed posts are shareable graphics, and friends can repost what you splash on your story or feed to reach more people.

Tips for Creating Shareable Graphics:

  • 1. Use Consistent Branding: Compromise your design’s continuity with its colors and fonts that you execute for your brand. This assists in establishing corporate image since customers are able to associate with a certain brand.
  • 2. Provide Value: Posing useful information or quote of the day which you think can be interesting to your fans. Thus, quality information is more likely to be likely to be saved and passed on to others.
  • 3. High-Quality Design: For business people, there is an option of using Canva or Adobe Spark to produce quality graphics. High-quality visuals are much more appealing than low quality visuals.

Tactic #5: Share Information in Carousel Posts

The carousel posts where one gets to share several images or videos under a single post, are ideal especially when providing necessary details. Users spend more time on screen as they reach to the next content while swiping.

Ideas for Carousel Posts:

  • 1. Step-by-Step Guides: Subdivide also big topics into easier slides that are easy to follow. This is perfect for tutorials and any how to content.
  • 2. Before-and-After: Illustrate changes or development or changes that may have occurred over some time. This is good for fitness, makeovers and case analysis.
  • 3. Storytelling: Continuation of a story should be presented with the help of multiple slides. Great and captivating story can make your audience swipe through the entire post, not just stopping at one picture.

Tactic #6: Include Call-to-Actions

The use of a powerful CTA reinstills an active and engaged audience prompting them to make the next move; liking, commenting or even visiting your website. Opinion CTAs may become effective in increasing the level of users’ engagement because they give a direct call to the desired action.

Effective CTAs:

  • 1. Ask Questions: Use appeal laws that will make your audience give their thoughts or opinions. Such questions as “What is the best thing about summer?” can be used in order to invite comments and create discourse.
  • 2. Encourage Sharing: Please mention some friends you think would find the post interesting. It also helps in increasing your audience and as a result, it becomes easy to attract more followers.
  • 3. Direct to Link: Instruct the users to follow the link in the bio in order to get more details. This can help to attract people to your website or your landing page as you have marked it as requisitely informative.

Tactic #7: Let Your Personality Shine on Stories

Instagram Stories are more relaxed and are a perfect way to reach your audience in a more close-knit manner. Being able to showcase your personality is the key to making your followers feel touched and be more connected to you.

How to Showcase Your Personality:

  • 1. Behind-the-Scenes: Post short updates about the events that occur in your day or your daily work routine. It makes the audience get a glimpse of your day to day life and makes you more endearing.
  • 2. Personal Anecdotes: Convey stories that are in line with what you consider as good stories and properly show your character. It will also be important to share some real-life experiences to de-bore your brand and thereby coming up with ways of winning the trust of the customers.
  • 3. Real-Time Updates: It is best to be interactive with audiences; reply to comments and messages as they come. Real-time interaction is an evidence that a business or an organisation cherishes its followers’ feedback and create togetherness.

Tactic #8: Host a Giveaway

It is extremely effective to gain more eyeballs and more followers in terms of giveaways. They give users immense enthusiasm and extend calls to your content a motivation to check what surely will not disappoint.

How to Host a Successful Giveaway:

  • 1. Set Clear Rules: Explain how they can engage to participate like through a like on the post, follow the account and invite friends to do the same. Specific measures mean your giveaway will not face the possibility of a hitch and the participants will fully understand what you expect of them.
  • 2. Choose an Attractive Prize: To make people/audience respond to your post, provide something of value and with their interests in mind. A bigger and better desired prize motivates and brings more into the game.
  • 3. Promote Extensively: The use of Stories, Posts, and Collaborations will have to be utilized to propagate the news. Overall, with increase in promotion, the more the engagement level of the targeted audience and coverage.

Tactic #9: Post When Your Audience is Engaged

Coordination of the media messages is very vital since the timing has a high impact on the level of engagement. Sharing updates at the right time is important as it guarantees that the posted content will get engagement quickly.

How to Determine the Best Times to Post:

  • 1. Use Insights: It will be important for you to take time and go through the Instagram Insights to check when most of your followers are active. Insights are useful for knowing when your audience is active, days and hours.
  • 2. Experiment: People also advise posting at various times to find out when that is, so monitor the activity. The posting process enables one to find out the most suitable time to post on the websites.
  • 3. Consistency: This should be done in order to ensure that your target audience is being engaged constantly and is always anticipating the next post from you. The posting of materials can be scheduled so that there is creation of anticipation and people will always wait to see what you will have to post next.

Tactic #10: Use Relevant Hashtags

Hashtags help to make your posts searchable so making use of these are important in boosting the visibility of your posts. By incorporating more relevant and popular hashtags in your posts, you’ll be able to extend your post beyond the accounts that you follow.

Tips for Effective Hashtag Use:

  • 1. Research Hashtags: Look for the trending hashtags in your field of specialization. To find the trending hashtags, there is Hashtagify and All Hashtag tools available.
  • 2. Mix it Up: Employ both the general hashtags and the one that are particular to the specialty of your content. Style hashtags make the post public, and specific hashtags are meant for the particular group of users.
  • 3. Create Branded Hashtags: Use your branded hashtags and make your communities use them. It increases the possibilities of users to engage with the brand through the usage of branded hashtags which also make it easier to monitor the content created by the users.

Tactic #11: Leverage SMM Panels for Increased Engagement

Social Media Marketing panels are services which offer to sell likes, followers, comments, etc., for advertising accounts. Both of these panels can be used as a powerful means to increase your Instagram activity in a short term. While organically targeting your audience is ideal, the SMM strategies can be enhanced using the SMM panels especially when you’re launching your account or need constant posts.

How SMM Panels Work:

  • 1. Service Selection: SMM panels provide a list of services which you require for your account such as likes, followers and comments or views. Select the relevant services which will help you achieve your engagement goals.
  • 2. Customizable Packages: There is also the flexibility of package choice with most of the panels, which means that you will dictate how many likes or followers to buy. This flexibility assist you in managing the extent of your engagement with the platform of your choice successfully.
  • 3. Instant Results: Another major aspect where SMM panels are particularly useful is the delivery of the services in the shortest time possible. In other words, if you buy a service then the attention that comes with it is likely to grow an attention that is organic.
  • 4. Safe and Secure: Reputable SMM panels take care of their offerings not to violate Instagram terms and conditions to compromise your account. But before proceeding any further, careful selection of a reputable panel should be done in order to protect the profile’s authenticity.


To achieve wanted levels of engagement by the end of 2024, there is the need to be creative, systematic, and considerate of the audience. Through employed of these ten tactics, you can increase your engagement rates, and establish a better relationship with the followers to achieve the intended social media objectives. Experiment, measure and tinker with strategies and approaches coupled with continuous research to find out what suits your audience best and deserves to come next in the next phase of your content marketing efforts.


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